Je ne me souviens pas avoir déjà looté un coffret en titane sur un mob.
Cela m'est en tout cas arrivé la semaine dernière, et le butin en valait la chandelle.

Un brassard en tissu avec de bonnes caractéristiques et une calcédoine (plus des étoffes de tisse-givre, mais là c'est pas très original)

Le brassard a pris la ditection de ma mage qui en fera certainement bon usage quand elle sera au niveau 77.
1 commentaire:
How does a document management XK0-002 system help with distributing grant 1Y0-A11 money? Well, housing departments ultimately PW0-104 want to perform this task as quick and efficient as NS0-163 possible. Document management software allows you to drag SY0-101 and drop or import electronic files and applications 642-736. Say you need to convert a grant application form to an JN0-532 electronic version. Scan the document(s) into the online system BH0-004, where it is then automatically stored and can 640-802 be immediately accessed and moved through an SY0-201 automated approval process. This allows applications to be 350-001 speedily processed and approved, resulting in grant money being distributed quicker and more 642-901 efficiently.
What about all of those 642-825 emails housing agencies daily receive? Document 642-845 management software offers a solution 642-812 for this too. With email archival, the 640-822 system categorizes and archives each email and 640-816 fax that is received. If VCP-410 a user needs to find a specific email or fax later on, you can quickly retrieve by using a 642-892 text search.
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